
With the ever-increasing cultural and religious diversity of societies across the globe, Christian leaders today need formation in intercultural approaches to communication, 敬拜, 神学, 和部.






The 跨文化研究文学硕士 at 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 offers the opportunity for 高级神学参与 与紧迫 根据圣经的宣教问题 以及基督教信仰和实践的丰富遗产.

我们的环境对我们很重要. We recognize and draw on the valuable resources offered by our location in 南佛罗里达.
Few places are better situated for a truly intercultural and interconfessional education. Over 68 percent of the population is comprised of ethnic and racial minorities, 一半的居民说英语以外的语言. PBA’s interculturally experienced faculty represent this same diversity along with a unique depth of cultural and missiological experience and training.
我们热情的社区将提供 给你的机会 与同学和教授互动 from around the world. 你会加深对…的理解 世界基督教 并学习实用技能 在多元化社会中更有效地服务 在美国.S. 在世界各地.


female students smiling and taking notes at 推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您


规划你的道路. 开启推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您.



  • 学生可以完成学业 仅仅两年.
  • 小班授课 主要是网上 培养具有丰富经验的学生群体.
  • 学费更低 and number of credit hours than many other intercultural studies graduate programs.
  • 为博士研究做准备 在相关领域.
  • 全人教育 leading faculty with a wide diversity of cultural backgrounds and nationalities.
  • 对重要主题的神学参与, 如:和解, 宗教多元主义, 社会文化智力, 跨文化的事工方法, 全球视野下的教会学, 以及当代的全球危机.
  • 跨文化培训 由古代基督教习俗形成的福音传道 (公告), leiturgia (崇拜), diakonia (服务), 联合作用 (社区建设).


  • Teach social science or cultural studies courses at high school and university undergraduate levels
  • 国际使团工作
  • 跨文化/宣教事工的教会工作人员
  • 社区发展工作
  • 政策分析
  • 准教会组织的跨文化交流专家, 教会和跨文化企业


魔法部学院的重点是装备. We equip passionate young people with the earthly tools and spiritual perspective needed to create positive change in the world guided by the Word of God. 我们承诺, engaging and fulfilling learning experience that will equip you to use your gifts for His Glory. 我们的课程通过圣经专家指导为学生做好准备, 神学, 历史和真实的事工技巧. PBA的多元文化, multi-denominational environment is the perfect to prepare our seminary students for dynamic gospel ministries in an ever-changing world.
As a student majoring in any of the graduate programs offered in the 教育部学院, you’ll wade into an ocean of diverse learning opportunities designed to prepare you to positively impact lives.
  • 获得在事工方面的专门训练
  • Experience spiritual growth with a deeper understanding of God and His Word
  • 通过实习实践你的事工能力, 实习经验和现场服务活动
  • 在一个支持性的社区中学习


We give our students practical experience and theological depth in critical areas at the intersection of intercultural studies 和部 today:
  • 和解神学, 福, 教会学, 世界基督教, 以及宗教神学, 以及这些领域的实际领导技能.
  • Life-changing scholarly and ministerial training that will form you for intercultural engagement and leadership, 实证研究, 以及为有兴趣从事博士工作的人提供的博士研究.
  • Intercultural communication training formed by the ancient Christian practices of 福音传道 (公告), leiturgia (崇拜), diakonia (服务), 联合作用 (社区建设).
  • Learning from faculty with a wide diversity of cultural backgrounds and nationalities.
We seek to create a diverse learning community using an online learning model combined with dedicated time at our 西推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您 or Orlando campuses over two weeks in the summer, 提供在美国以外学习的实习和机会.S. 我们寻求提供奖学金,帮助我们的学生茁壮成长.


Lower number of credit hours and tuition cost than most other intercultural, 福, 或者跨文化硕士课程. 能在两年内完成吗. A faculty with a wide diversity of cultural backgrounds and nationalities and many years of intercultural and missiological experience.


The expectation is that student will be able to complete the degree program within two years. Two classes will be offered per semester; fall and spring courses will be eight-weeks online (one at a time, A和B项), 夏季课程将在网上进行,每个课程为期四周(A学期和B学期).

PBA awards over three million dollars in scholarships every year and 97% of PBA undergraduate students receive financial aid.

  • 每学时550美元

学费 & 费用



The 跨文化研究文学硕士 Degree is a 36 credit-hour degree.


Applicants must hold an earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75在4上.0规模. (A GPA that falls below this minimum threshold may be considered on a case-by-case basis for admission with probationary status.)


我们热情的社区将提供 给你的机会 与同学和教授互动 在世界范围内.
你会加深对…的理解 世界基督教 并学习实用技能 在多元化社会中更有效地服务 在美国.S. 在世界范围内.

PBA提供 改变人生的学术和部长培训 that will form you for intercultural engagement and leadership, 实证研究, and Ph.D. 为那些有兴趣从事博士工作的人提供的研究.



电话: (561) 803-2100




Do you desire to gain skills in ministering or working among diverse nationalities and cultures? If so, the Intercultural Studies major might be just what you're looking for. 该计划旨在使你具备知识, skills and character needed for effective transformational work in international and/or urban settings. You will learn how to understand and interpret cross-cultural social contexts and apply Christian truth in ways appropriate to a variety of settings.

跨文化研究B.A. +全球发展,硕士.S. (3+2)

Do you desire to gain skills in ministering to diverse nationalities and cultures? 如何真正创造一个更光明的世界? 该计划旨在使你具备知识, skills and character needed for effective transformational work in international and/or urban settings giving you the foundation with a multi-disciplinary approach to study, 再加上一个横跨世界的教室.

PBA students participate in discussion during a classroom presentation.

跨文化研究B.A. +神学硕士,M.Div. (3+2)

你已经听到了神的呼召,并且渴望回应. 在推荐全球最大网赌正规平台欢迎您, we are eager to help prepare you for the great journey the Lord has in store for you. Our mission is to equip students just like you to fulfill their calling and make a difference for the kingdom of God.